On June 29, II international conference “Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment: Ukrainian context” was held.
The conference was arranged at the discretion of MC “Agency of Regional Development” of Slavutych Municipal Council, Vyshhorod district, Kyiv region, with participation of “Alpha Atom Association, Institute for Safety Problems of NPPs, State Agency of Ukraine on Exclusion Zone Management, Ukrainian Nuclear Society, and other companies.
The main objective of the event was to facilitate the formation of global dialogue about liquid radioactive waste management and to discuss urgent problematic issues of liquid radwaste processing, in order to ensure safe and sustainable future for Ukraine and European Union.
The conference was held in a mixed format of on-line and off-line speeches and discussions. 90 people were involved in the event. 12 speakers delivered their presentations.
Chornobyl NPP was represented by RM Integrated Management Department Head Oleksii Miasnykov with a speech about liquid radwaste processing system implemented at ChNPP, and Strategic Planning Department Head Dmytro Stelmakh who told the conference participants about the LRW treatment plant information model as a component of digital twins complex.
The scientists and experts discussed the challenges and sustainability in radioactive waste management of post-war recovery. Particularly, the innovative engineering and research in the area of liquid radioactive waste processing as well as safety actions and best practices in liquid radioactive waste processing.
The results of conference are going to be published in Conference Proceedings in collaboration with Springer publishing house that is indexed by Scopus scientometric database.