SSE ChNPP Obtained “Expert Report on Review of Project Documentation regarding “Final Shutdown and Preservation of Chernobyl NPP Units 1, 2, 3” Project (FS&P)

The Report issued by the SE “Ukrderzhbudexpertiza” confirms that the FS&P project documentation was developed in accordance with the requirements of sanitary and ecological legislation, building regulations, operational safety, engineering support, regulations of fire, nuclear and radiation safety, health and safety, and energy saving.

The project works will be performed by stages:

Stage 1 – Reconstruction of ChNPP fire fighting water system.

Stage 2 – Dismantling and cutting of fuel channels and CPS channels of Units 1, 2, 3.

Stage 3 – Preservation of reactors and containment of preservation zone of Units 1, 2.

Stage 4 – Reconstruction of hipped roofs of reactor facilities’ central halls and dismantling of hoisting machines of Units 1, 2.

Stage 5 – Reactor preservation and containment of preservation zone of Unit 3.

Stage 6 - Reconstruction of a hipped roof of reactor facility’s central hall and dismantling of hoisting machines of Unit 3.

The final goal of the FS&P Project is to bring Units 1, 2, 3 into the state that will ensure the safe controlled storage of radioactive substances and ionizing radiation sources located inside them during the whole period of reactor facilities’ safe enclosure (up to 50 years) and safe dismantling of the reactor facilities.

The Project implementation will run until 2028. The estimated cost of the project construction works amounts more than UAH 385 million. 

The positive findings of the expert examination of “Final Shutdown and Preservation of Chernobyl NPP Units 1, 2, 3” Project is an important milestone in the process of ChNPP decommissioning as it allows obtaining the permission according to the established procedure to perform the works and proceeding to the ChNPP decommissioning stage.

For your reference.

The main provisions of the Chernobyl NPP decommissioning strategy approved:

- final shutdown and preservation (FS&P) – from 2014 to 2028;

- safe enclosure of the most contaminated equipment (primary circuit and reactor) - from 2028 to 2046;

- dismantling of primary circuit and reactor - from 2046 to 2064.

The ultimate goal of decommissioning of main buildings, buildings and constructions that contain radioactive substances is the complete dismantling of equipment and decontamination of building structures up to the levels of restricted release established for the ChNPP industrial site (“Brown Spot”).

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