President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko visited Chernobyl NPP site on 26th April


2016 was declared the year of remembrance of the liquidators and victims of the Chernobyl disaster by the Decree of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Consequently, following up upon own initiative, on 26th April, on the day of 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl NPP accident, Petro Poroshenko personally visited the ChNPP industrial site.

The President and his attendants paid tribute to the memory of all those, who gave their lives and health rescuing the world against the severest technogenic radiation accident in human history, and laid flowers to the Memorial Sign of the Chernobyl heroes.

In the course of the visit the President was familiarized with work progress at the sites of two projects being under completion: New Safe Confinement (NSC) and Dry-Type Interim Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel (ISF-2).

The SSE ChNPP Director General Igor Gramotkin, Holtec International President and Chief Executive Officer Kris Singh, and Project Chief Engineer Andrii Savin met the President at the ISF-2 site.

At the NSC Arch assembling area the President had an opportunity to see the progress of the protective structure construction, which will make the Shelter Object safe for the next 100 years. 

During the briefing, which took place at the NSC assembling site directly under the Arch currently being constructed, Petro Poroshenko declared:

“It is clear that neither today, nor tomorrow, Ukraine, by diversifying energy supply and fighting for the energy independence, could not be able to refuse nuclear energy, but at the same time we have to think about new technologies, new alternatives, and unconventional energy sources.” 

In addition, he informed that the energy efficiency issue would be discussed at the National Council of Reforms immediately after the May holidays. The President also spoke about cooperation in this field during the meeting with the EBRD President in the course of the visit to the ChNPP.

The President also emphasized that Ukraine tightened security at its NPPs and protected them against possible attacks from subversive groups:

“Fight against possible nuclear terrorism should be coordinated at the international level. By the way, this concerns the newest cyber-threats, which were not existed yet for us in the time of Chernobyl. If BlackEnergy virus was used for the attack on our regional power distribution companies, then where are assurances that the similar technologies do not threaten the nuclear power plants as well?”

“We and our partners should decide how to improve the security safeguards from the nuclear weapon states for those countries, which do not have weapons of mass destruction, - stated the Head of the state, “as Ukraine has had negative experience of the ChNPP accident and still pays extra heavy price expressed both in human lives and multimillion economic losses.”


The President ceremoniously handed out 12 awards for significant personal contribution to mitigating the Chernobyl disaster’s consequences, self-sacrificing attitude, high professionalism, lasting fruitful public activity, and in respect of the 30th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP.

Thus, Third Class Orders of Merit were issue to 9 persons; other 3 persons received Third Class Orders of Courage. Among those, who were awarded the Third Class Orders of Merit, - the Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Account Assembly of Donors in 2001-2013 Ian Downing, who initially actively supported the international programs aimed at solving the problems related to the Shelter Object, spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste at the Chernobyl. 

In 1998 he proposed to the Government of the United Kingdom a project named “Nuclear Legacy of the Former Soviet Union” that included, in particular, mitigation of the Chernobyl disaster’s consequences. The project was backed by the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom (allocation of annual budget of £34 mln for a 10-year period), while later – it was officially included into a wider program against the spread of weapons and materials of mass destruction implemented by G8 countries.

The President also awarded the Third Class Order of Merit to the liquidator, member of the Kyiv regional organization All-Ukrainian Public Organization of Disabled People “Chernobyl Union of Ukraine” Mykola Zhyrnyi. He was among the first to conduct dosimetric survey in the vicinity of the Plant after the accident. He took part in the evacuation of Prypiat people and their further provision with accommodation, nutrition and medical service.

The Third Class Order of Merit was also awarded to the liquidator, Chairman of the Slavutych town public organization “Chernobyl Union of Ukraine” Oleksandr Kardash, who participated in the ChNPP accident consequences elimination. From August 1987 to January 2010 he worked at the Chernobyl NPP holding engineering positions in the Turbine Shop, Supervision Department, and position of a Head of Fire Safety Department.

The Head of the state also awarded the Third Class Order of Merit to the SSE Chernobyl NPP Deputy Technical Director Oleksandr Novikov, who took part in the liquidation in 1986 still being a student. Since 1988 he works at the ChNPP. In this period he moved up through the ranks from II Category Engineer, Head of Nuclear-Physical Laboratory, and Head of Nuclear Safety and Reliability Control Department.

“With a sore heart we are remembering those who devoted their lives in fight with the nuclear death. I express deep gratitude to the courageous participants of the accident consequences elimination at the Chernobyl NPP, and to those who today continue fulfilling complex and responsible tasks at the Plant and within the Exclusion Zone,” – emphasized the Head of state.

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Візит Президента України Петра Порошенка на ЧАЕС, ...
Візит Президента України Петра Порошенка на ЧАЕС, ...
Візит Президента України Петра Порошенка на ЧАЕС, ...
Візит Президента України Петра Порошенка на ЧАЕС, ...