IAEA experts presented the Mission preliminary findings


The IAEA Expert Mission on reviewing causes, process of elimination and radiological consequences of the partial collapse of ChNPP Unit No.4 Turbine Hall roof and wall structures, which occurred on February 12, 2013, completed the work.

The experts presented their preliminary general conclusions and recommendations at the summary meeting that was held on June 7.

The experts positively evaluated actions of the Chernobyl NPP personnel both at the time of the event and during its elimination and investigation of the causes. In particular, it was noted that the ChNPP responded to the event in fast and professional manner, published information on it timely, and was fast in reporting the public on the progress of further actions. The ChNPP efforts towards managing the event consequences in such a way as to avoid delays in implementing the Shelter Implementation Plan (SIP) activities, in particular in NSC construction, were acknowledged.

The experts gave some preliminary recommendations first of all related to preventing the possibility of damages of other building structures. Also they recommended to the ChNPP to implement some organizational and technical measures on enhancing the monitoring of the building structures and improving general industrial and radiation safety.

The final official report on the IAEA Mission findings will be presented at the beginning of July and distributed among all stakeholders.