President’s Decree: 2016 was declared the year of remembrance of liquidators and victims of Chornobyl disaster

President Petro Poroshenko declared 2016 the year of remembrance of liquidators and victims of Chornobyl disaster. Respective Decree was signed on December 14.

The Government was instructed to conduct commemorative events in Kyiv on April 26, 2016.

Also, the Cabinet of Ministers must ensure timely and full implementation of financial obligations of Ukraine regarding contributions to the international funds on the implementation of international projects at Chornobyl NPP.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was instructed to organize events on the 30th anniversary of Chornobyl disaster, inter alia, with participation of Ukrainian community abroad. It should also ensure participation of foreign delegations and diplomatic corps in the events in Ukraine.

Nearest Events

March 28, 1984 – Chornobyl NPP 4th Unit was put into design power 1 000 MW
March 29, 2000 – Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.589 “On pre-scheduled shutdown of Power Unit No.3 and final shutdown of Chornobyl NPP”

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