Rules for visits to the ChNPP for technical delegations and mass media

To request a visit, please apply to the Head of the  State Agency of Ukraine for Exclusion Zone Management with a written request to arrange a visit.

The request should contain the following data:
1. Full name, citizenship and passport details.
2. Visit purpose.
3. Visit period (time and date of arrival and departure).
4. Object/facility (route) scheduled for visiting.
5. Nature and scope of information, which a visitor is willing to receive.
6. Persons, with whom meetings are planned (if necessary).
7. Contact phones of a person, who arranges the visit.

In the request please provide complete answers to all questions without acronyms and abbreviations.

The written request for a visit should include additional information stating that persons have no medical contraindications to visit this zone. A filled application form for dosimetry control at ChNPP should be attached to your written request for a visit.

Duration of visiting the Exclusion Zone and the Unconditional (Compulsory) Evacuation Zone by Ukrainian citizens, foreigners and persons without citizenship should not exceed 5 days.

The letter should be sent by e-mail to the SAEZM at at least 10 business days prior to the expected date of your visit.

Based on results of reviewing your written request, a visit program will be prepared and agreed, being a ground for entering the Exclusion Zone and the Chornobyl NPP site, or a rejection notice stating reasons for refusal.

The grounds for rejection of an application to visit the Exclusion Zone and the Unconditional (Compulsory) Evacuation Zone by Ukrainian citizens, foreigners and persons without citizenship are as follows:
1. Indicated persons are under the age of 18 years.
2. The written request does not contain all data required.
3. The request contains incorrect information.
4. Unfavorable weather conditions.
5. Threat of an emergency or a fire during the fire danger period.
6. Performance of repair (scientific and research, technological) and other works, which rule out the possibility for unauthorized persons to be present within the Exclusion Zone and the Unconditional (Compulsory) Evacuation Zone.
7. In case of receiving information from law-enforcement authorities regarding person’s involvement in terrorist activities.

For additional information, please call:
1. regarding visits to the Exclusion Zone and accommodation in Chоrnobyl: +380 4593 52461
2. regarding visits to the Chоrnobyl NPP: +380 4593 43424