Phase 1 (1998 – 2000) is a phase of the information collection, investigations implementation, conceptual designs development, program decisions acceptances on their basis. These tasks performance was necessary for design and construction works deployment in Phase 2.

The main achievements of Phase 1

•  Project Management Unit establishment.
Western and Ukrainian experts appointment, office creation and equipping.

•  Nuclear Indemnification Program development, Project insurance, taxes exemption.

•  Project planning, control and reporting means development. Integrated Base Time Schedule and Procurement Plan are the main control means. The information on SIP Procurement Plan can be obtained at an official EBRD Web- site

•  Evaluation of proposals, contracts awarding and Early Biddable Projects management. Early Biddable Projects packages (EBP) cover planning, development and project works according to main SIP tasks. Early Biddable Projects packages have been incorporated into 4 groups (A, B, C, D) for Terms of References similarity and included 17 of 22 SIP tasks. Such grouping has provided controlled packages quantity for tendering, contracts awarding and its subsequent management.

Early Biddable Projects scopes:

EBP À – Civil Construction (geotechnical investigations, building constructions monitoring system and infrastructures for stabilization measures designing, stabilization works determination, Decision on New Safe Confinement Strategy).
– operation and monitoring (industrial and fire safety, integrated monitoring system and database, seismic monitoring, radiological protection program).
EBP C – emergency systems (Emergency Plans development, Safety related Emergency Systems, dust and water monitoring).
EBP D – FCM removal strategy (Fuel Containing Materials Characterization, Decision on FCM removal prototype, RAW removal and Management Strategy).

More than 30 companies from the different countries has been involved in works on Early Biddable Projects implementation, among which Morrison Knudsen Ltd (USA), BNFL Engineering Ltd (Great Britain), NUKEM (Germany), SGN (France), JGC Corporation (Japan), RSC “Kurchatov institute" (Russia), and Ukrainian Scientific Research Institutes – SRI of Building Constructions, Kiev Scientific Research Project Institute "Energoproject", Interbranch Scientific and Technical Center "Shelter" NASU and others.
For all listed tasks deliverables were developed and approved, key program decisions have been accepted on their basis.

•  two urgent stabilization measures performance

Ventilation Stack of ChNPP Units 3 and 4 foundation and strengthening repair – in 1998.

The total cost of the Project was US $ 2249966. Project financing was carried from tripartite payment: USA and Canada payment has made US $ 1800000, Ukraine – US $ 449966.
"Ukrenergobud" Company was executor of works.
This repair became the first international project provided direct improvement of Shelter object physical characteristics and safety increasing. Explosion of ChNPP Unit 4 in 1986 has seriously damaged ventilating stack supports system and its foundation. Investigation and analysis, carried out in 1996, have allowed to conclude, that the constructions are in emergency condition and its collapse probability is high enough. As a result of the stack collapse probability of the subsequent lethal dose obtaining by several thousand persons worked at ChNPP and adjacent territories was not excluded.
Ukraine provided the personnel for works performance, radiation protection, radiation monitoring of construction and the necessary information. Shelter Object personnel managed works implementation and was fully responsible for works performance.
USA and Canada experts provided the technical assistance and consultations, carried out general supervision on project performance, and evaluated works progress, conformity of the project realization to the objective. Quality and safety assurance was supervised together with the Ukrainian side.
Average value of an external irradiation doze of the personnel, implemented these works, has made less than 1 cZv. Exceeding of individual irradiation dozes control levels – 4 cZv wasn’t fixed.

B1 and B2 Beams support strengthening – 1999.
The total project cost made US $ 2844079.
“Ukrenergobud” company was executor of works.
B1 and B2 Beams are one of main elements of Shelter object’s Central Hall and Deaerator stack covering.  As support for beams was ventilation shafts and wall on the axes 50 considerably damaged as a result of accident. In turn, on B2 beams blocks leans pipe covering above the Central Hall and covering plates are installed on B1 Beams. Beams are designed for vertical loading from their weight, weight of radiation protective concrete layer and loading from snow.
Installation of beams was carried out in extreme conditions of the high radiation hazard in the absence of the reliable data about the level of supporting constructions damage. As a result of the subsequent surveys, calculations and expert assessments, works on B1 and B2 Beams supports strengthening have been included in the list of urgent stabilisation measures which should be immediately implemented, their failure could lead to a collapse of a considerable part of a covering with a total area about 3,5 thousand m2.
Works inside object on high levels in the extreme conditions connected to the wide temperatures drops and high radiation fields became main peculiarity of the project. All operations on bioprotection and attached implements installation, shuttering manufacturing for concreting and welding works implementation were previously perfected on specially created mockup - simulator in Chornobyl.
Average value of the external irradiation of personnel involved in works according dosimetric orders, made 1,31 cZv. Control level of individual irradiation dozes exceeding – 2 cZv – wasn’t fixed.

Besides within the framework of the first project phase a number of works, promoting Shelter object safety and infrastructure improvement has been implemented:
- the prototype of neutron monitoring system "Pilot" has been installed;
- works on Shelter roof hermetization are executed. 5 stages of this task have reduced water penetration inside SO through roof thinnesses;
- roads for radioactive wastes and building construction transportation are built;
- operation testing of Shelter object Fuel Containing Materials database is started;
- removal and disposal of the top ground layer, fencing, electrosupply, cold warehouses block construction at the small construction site, intended for stabilization measures was executed;
- internal power supplies networks of Unit 4 are reconstructed, the fireproof covering of cable lines is executed;
- site preparation for clothes change facility for 1430 persons and other works are started.

Thus, during the period of Phase 1 realization significant progress in all basic areas, determined by SIP plan strategy and the works schedule has been achieved.