On June 8, ChNPP started a 10-year period of spent nuclear fuel transportation from the old storage facility to a new one.
The green light for this process was given by obtaining all necessary permits and licenses for operation of the new Interim Spent Fuel Dry Storage Facility (ISF-2), as well as by the successful hot testing of the facility, during which 186 spent fuel assemblies were transported, processes and placed for storage in test run mode.
Below there are five key facts you need to know about this process:
1. The new spent fuel storage facility will accept only fuel from ChNPP.
2. About 21,000 fuel assemblies should be transported from the old storage facility to ISF-2.
3. The whole process of transportation will last 10 years.
4. All operations on transportation will be performed by ChNPP staff under the close supervision of IAEA.
5. The transported spent nuclear fuel will be stored in the new storage facility for the next 100 years.
Read more: Interim Spent Fuel Dry Storage Facility