The occupation of the Chornobyl NPP in February-March 2022, among other things, led to a significant deterioration in the material and technical base of the enterprise. Some of the plant’s technological equipment, computers, and vehicles were damaged or destroyed.
The ongoing war in Ukraine makes it challenging to restore everything that has been lost using the plant’s own resources. However, humanitarian organisations and volunteers continue to step in and provide vital assistance.
This time, the Chornobyl NPP received a passenger bus as humanitarian aid from the non-governmental organization “Initiative E+”. This bus, of Danish origin, will be used for in-plant employee transportation following maintenance.
According to the “Initiative E+” Instagram page, this project was made possible thanks to many years of collaboration with international partners.
“Sometimes volunteer work takes the @helpe_plus team to the most unexpected places. But we are always where we are needed,” representatives of the organization shared. “We are grateful to our Danish friends for more than ten years of joint work for the benefit of Ukraine. Now, the vehicle from the Danes will be working at the important site. We are thankful to everyone who supports our initiatives. Together we will prevail!”
This gesture is yet another example of how international cooperation and volunteer assistance continue to strengthen Ukraine’s infrastructure, even under the most challenging circumstances.