The report with the results of the pilot operation of the facility for material release from regulatory control received a positive conclusion from the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine.
The facility was created with the financial support of the European Union with the objective to improve the safety and cost-effectiveness of all types of radioactive waste management in Ukraine and to take all possible measures to reduce their amount.
The pilot operation of the facility for the materials release from regulatory control was started in October 2020 in accordance with a specially developed programme.
Based on the results of the work performed, the “Report on the Pilot Operation of the Facility for Material Release from Regulatory Control” was submitted to the SNRIU for review. The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine with the involvement of SSTC NRS reviewed this Report and provided their comments. Additional work was performed to measure containers with radioactive material as part of the comments elimination, and the updated Report has obtained a positive conclusion.
Based on the results of the pilot operation of the facility, work is underway to finalise the documents “Standard of the Enterprise. Production Process Management. Procedure for Radioactive Materials Preparation for Release from Regulatory Control. СТП 2.039-2021” and “Methodology for Nuclide Vectors Determination for ChNPP Radioactive Materials", which are an integral part of the activities related to the materials release from regulatory control at ChNPP and ChNPP Units 1, 2, 3 decommissioning as a whole.