On 2-3 July 2019 a workshop reviewing results of ChNPP Cooling Pond decommissioning was held under IAEA support at the Institute of Hydrobiology of NAS of Ukraine and at the ChNPP industrial site, with experts from Ukraine, Japan and Great Britain participating in the discussion.
The workshop has reviewed the results of surveys performed by Institute of Hydrobiology and Agricultural Radiology of NAS of Ukraine, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological institute and other scientific and research organizations of Ukraine. Experts once and again focused attention on the importance of accuracy of the monitoring performed by ChNPP specialists under the Cooling Pond Decommissioning Project.
According to Fedir Lanskykh, the Leading Engineer of ChNPP Strategic Planning Department, most of the workshop participants have agreed about the necessity to carry on surveying the processes taking place in the Cooling Pond now when it's reached the design level of water and is in the decommissioned status, and in the future. This activity is of great scientific importance, since until these days there is no experience and scientifically confirmed data in the world practice on the decommissioning of engineering ponds of such dimensions, particularly in a situation when its water area and surrounding territories are contaminated with radionuclides.