Assemblies Chornobyl Shelter Fund and the Nuclear Safety Account contributors was held in London.
Ukraine was represented by the Head of the Committee on Environmental Policy, Natural Resource Management and Chornobyl Accident Consequences Elimination - Andrei Dyriv, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine Ostap Semerak, Head of the subcommittee Ivan Rybak, head of SAMEZ Vitaly Petruk, head of the State Nuclear Regulation Inspectorate Grigory Plachkov, SSE ChNPP Acting General Director Valeriy Seyda. Vladimir Kashtanov, the Chief Engineer of the Shelter Implementation Plan Project and Andrii Savin, the Chief Engineer of the Safety Improvement Project participated as technical experts.
Representatives of the Ukrainian delegation in their presentation expressed their gratitude to international partners for their efforts in implementing projects to improve safety at the Chornobyl NPP industrial site and informed the meeting participants about the fulfillment of obligations undertaken by Ukraine. It was specially noted that funds for operation of NSC and ISF-2 facilities are provided in the State Budget of Ukraine starting from 2019.