On 10th of June, a person with a suspicion on the coronavirus disease was detected among ChNPP staff by results of rapid test.
To withdraw or to confirm this COVID-19 diagnosis, a follow-up sample (polymerase chain reaction) was taken and delivered to the laboratory in Chernihiv. The worker was sent to self-isolation.
Seven contact persons were found for preventive purposes. These are workers of three ChNPP departments. They were recommended to self-isolate themselves.
Expected date of receiving the PCR analysis – after 15th of June.
Today at the ChNPP “Action plan for prevention of the COVID-19 spread at SSE ChNPP during the adaptive quarantine” has been put into effect. It is a supplement to the SSE ChNPP Order No. 676 dated 29.05.2020 “On introduction of the adaptive quarantine and ceasing of outage at the enterprise.”