The project is funded by the EU in the framework of the Agreement on Funding the Annual Nuclear Safety Action Plan of 2014.

The main objective of the project was to provide recommendations and subsequently to develop technologies for processing the selected streams of the problematic radioactive waste into the forms acceptable for their long-term storage and/or disposal.

Project tasks:
1. Detailed analysis of the problematic RAW streams.
2. Characterization of the selected streams of problematic waste.
3. Feasibility Study of the potential technologies to process the problematic RAW.
4. Description of techniques, technical specifications for equipment and safety case.
5. Support to the End User during review of the elaborated documentation by a regulatory authority.
6. Final Report and dissemination of the project results.

In the part of the project within the responsibility of ChNPP, the results have been obtained as follows:
The filter perlite pulp was determined as a problematic RAW stream for the SSE ChNPP.
The strategy and methods for sampling and characterization of the problematic waste was agreed with and approved by the SNRIU. As per the approved methods the SSE ChNPP took the samples from 40 sampling points and formed 10 combined samples of LRW, they were characterized according their chemical and radionuclide content.
Resulting from the project, ChNPP obtained the Feasibility Study of the potential technologies to process the filter perlite pulp, technical specifications for equipment and safety case for processing the problematic RAW.


The project is financed from IAEA Technical Cooperation fund and its budget can be varied or redistributed if necessary.

Project Objective:

Assistance in Chornobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) decommissioning and the Shelter object transformation into environmentally safe system, as well as creation of Comprehensive National Radioactive Waste Management Program and Action Plan.

Completion status:

Within the period 2016-2017, the project activity was focused on the crucial for ChNPP problems of Radwaste Management, particularly Liquid Radioactive Waste, radioactively contaminated water and ion-exchange resins and on supporting of the work implementation during the Chornobyl NPP Final shutdown and preservation stage. During the two years, 13 expert missions, workshops and meetings were organized in accordance with the agreed work plan, attended by more than 200 specialists, mainly from Chernobyl nuclear power plant, NPP Safety Problems Institute, SNRIU, SSR Institute “Chornobyl Center”, and others. 19 specialists took part in ten International conferences and workshops where they had the opportunity not only to study the existing best practices, but also to share ChNPP’s developments in field of decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management.

List of activities performed:






16 – 19.02.2016

Vienna, Austria

Expert mission "Processing of radioactively contaminated water and liquid radwaste contaminated with chemicals of dust suppressing mixtures and transuranic elements"


10 – 12.05.2016

Vienna, Austria

Coordination meeting on the results of UKR/9/033 project "Support to radioactive waste management and nuclear power plants decommissioning" in 2014-2015 and agreement of the plan for 2016-2017.


09 – 12.08.2016

Vienna, Austria

Workshop on ChNPP Salt Water Purification Technologies selection (without evaporation)


31.10 – 03.11.2016

Slavutych, Ukraine

Expert mission "Assessment of the revised Chornobyl NPP Decommissioning Program"


16 – 18.11.2016

Slavutych, Ukraine

Workshop "Reuse and modification of the intended purpose of empty facilities for decommissioning needs"


23 – 24.01.2017

Slavutych, Ukraine

Coordination meeting on implementation and planning of the project for 2017 and plans for a new cooperation cycle 2018-2019.


23 – 27.01.2017

Slavutych, Ukraine

Expert mission to review decontamination methods for dismantled equipment (small diameter pipes with internal contamination) and to obtain recommendations on the possibility of their use at Chornobyl NPP


23 – 27.01.2017

Slavutych, Ukraine

Expert mission on assessment of the revised Program for ChNPP Radioactive Waste Management


27.02 – 03.03.2017

Slavutych, Ukraine

Workshop "Risks Assessment during nuclear power plants decommissioning. Obtaining of knowledge on risk assessment methodology and risk management recommendation. IAEA initiated workshop was combined with a similar workshop within the RER9138 project, thus the workshop had the status of a regional


12 – 14.06.2017

Slavutych, Ukraine

Expert mission "Review of the technical solution for irradiated graphite management, including selection of container options and storage"


22 - 25.08.17

Vienna, Austria

Workshop on review of options to manage secondary waste (sludge), obtained from the facility for RAW purification from TUE and organic compounds


12 – 14.09.2017

Slavutych, Ukraine

Workshop on problems of scientific and technical support for NPP decommissioning


22 – 24.11. 2017

Slavutych, Ukraine

Expert mission "Analysis of consistency of existing and creating radioactive waste management facilities and radioactively contaminated equipment and materials according to the acceptance / transfer criteria at all stages of management"

Participation in the International conferences, workshops in field of decommissioning and radioactive waste management


21 – 23.09.2016

Kurchatov, Kazakhstan

Conference "Semipalatinsk Test Site: Radiation Heritage and Development Prospects"


11 – 14.09.2016

Ottawa, Canada

The third conference on decommissioning, radioactive waste management and environmental remediation


07 – 11.11.2016

Vienna, Austria

International Conference on Knowledge Management: Challenges and Approaches



07 - 10.11.2016

Cadarache, France

Annual meeting of the international network of laboratories for nuclear waste characterization (LABONET)


07 – 09.02.2017

Sarpsborg, Norway

Workshop "Methods used and innovative methods for optimizing safety and efficiency in decommissioning in the nuclear industry"


07 – 09.06.2017

Varna, Bulgaria

The traditional international nuclear energy conference "Nuclear Energy of Bulgaria - National, Regional and Global Energy Safety"


20 – 22.06.2017

Trnava, Slovakia

International Conference "Decommissioning in Eastern and Central Europe" (ECED)


29.10 – 03.11.17

Sydney, Australia

Symposium "Scientific basis for nuclear waste management"


07 – 09.11.2017

Berlin, Germany

10th International Symposium "Exemption from Regulatory Control. Requirements to retrieval and cleaning”


05 – 07.12.2017

Vienna, Austria

The annual forum of the international decommissioning network (IDN)


The results obtained, their impact on the industry:

The work in field of RAW management is aimed on creation of an effective system for different types waste management at Chornobyl NPP. In particular, it is very important from the point of view of resource saving to select the technologies for salt water treatment without evaporation method. At present Chornobyl NPP uses an evaporation scheme for the radioactive waters purification, designed for the Unit in operation. It is necessary to select the technologies allowing an effective Chornobyl NPP radioactive waters processing using the other methods. After the technology selection it is necessary to perform pilot tests to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technology and its suitability for use at ChNPP. During the project implementation, alternative purification methods were considered and technical specification for the pilot facility was developed. Work continuation is planned within the new project for 2018-2019.

Expert support is provided and further research is underway to select options for secondary waste management, obtained from the facility for RAW purification from transuranic elements (TUE). This is continuation of the activity launched in 2012-2015, within which a pilot facility for the liquid radioactive waste purification from transuranium elements and organics was created and technical specifications were developed, which were used as a basis for the industrial facility in the EC project U4.01/11C aimed on the industrial facility creation. Now work is under way to find solutions to manage a secondary waste from this facility.

Significant efforts within the project were aimed to support Chornobyl NPP decommissioning, in particular, expert assessment of the revised "ChNPP decommissioning program" in terms of compliance with IAEA recommendations, workshop for studying of successful international practices for reuse of territory and plans for Chornobyl NPP site and repurposing of existing buildings and facilities for industrial development in the field of radioactively contaminated materials, radioactive waste and SNF management. Developed by IAEA expert group proposals and recommendations for ChNPP plans will form the basis for Chornobyl NPP site industrial development optimization and its integration in the Ukrainian nuclear complex.  


The project is financed from the funds of the European Union in the framework of the Programme “Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation 2011. Part II”.

The Project general objective:

The Project objective is to improve safety and economic efficiency during management of all types of radioactive waste in Ukraine and, particularly, orientation of all kinds of works to minimize waste generation. Besides that, there is a long-term goal, i.e. continuous and safe disposal.

The Project objectives are as follows:

1. Optimization of the national infrastructure (transportation flow chart of radioactive waste management)
2. Investigation of radioactive waste burial and temporary storage sites in the Chornobyl exclusion zone
3. Comprehensive safety assessment of radioactive waste management facilities in the Chornobyl exclusion zone

The SSE ChNPP is the Recipient under Project U4.01/10C: the Optimization of the national transportation and handling infrastructure for radioactive waste management. The Project objective is to enhance safety at all stages of radioactive waste management in Ukraine through optimizing the national transportation and handling infrastructure.

To the extent applicable to the SSE ChNPP as the Recipient, the main tasks of the Project are as follows:

1. Recommendations for optimization and harmonization of the national transportation and handling infrastructure for RAW
2. Detailed designs for RAW standard containers
3. Draft designs of equipment for RAW management and transportation
4. Dissemination of project results and preparation of final report

The following project results were achieved:

The document "Recommendations for optimization and harmonization of the National infrastructure (transportation and technological scheme) for RAW" was developed.

"Technical Designs for standard RAW containers" and "Preliminary designs of the equipment for RAW processing and transportation" were developed. Also the following documents were developed:
- Explanatory Note for Detailed design: “Development of design documentation on container for liquid RAW management”
- Explanatory Note for Draft design: “Development of design documentation on shielded screen for RAW management”
- Explanatory Note for Detailed design: “Development of design documentation on reinforced-concrete container V=1.3 cubic meters in volume for RAW transportation, storage and disposal”
- Explanatory Note for Detailed design: “Development of design documentation on 20-foot steel container for RAW management”
- Explanatory Note for Detailed design: “Development of design documentation on redesigned reinforced-concrete container V=3.0 cubic meters in volume (analogue of KTZ-3.0, KZ-3.0) for RAW transportation, storage and disposal”
- Explanatory Note for Detailed design: “Development of design documentation on redesigned reinforced-concrete container V=2.25 cubic meters in volume for RAW transportation, storage and disposal”
- Explanatory Note for Draft design: “Development of design documentation on auxiliary equipment for RAW management”
- Explanatory Note for Draft design: “Development of design documentation on standard attachment unit to fix a reinforced-concrete container at mechanical transport vehicle”

Project implementation impact:

Ensuring functioning of the infrastructure for solid radioactive waste processing, which is necessary for the Chornobyl NPP decommissioning.


The Project is funded by the European Union under the Program “Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation 2011. Part II”.

Objective of the Project:

The common objective of the Project, a part of which is the Services Contract No.NSI/2014/348-291 dated 01.09.2014, is to establish the industrial facility for purification of the Shelter water and ChNPP liquid radioactive waste from dust-suppressing compound emulsions to the levels enabling to treat these wastes in the future at the Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant (LRTP) and also to reduce concentration of transuranium elements to the levels enabling to perform near-surface disposal of final product from the LRTP.

Implementation stages:

- Development of design documentation (including complete set of safety-based documents) of the industrial-scale facility for removal of TUE and DSC emulsion from water coming from the Shelter Object and from evaporator concentrate (hereafter, industrial purification facility);
- Assistance during expert review of the design documentation;
- Development of technical and tender documentation for delivery and assembling of the industrial purification facility;
- Development of conceptual design for secondary radioactive waste management.

The following Project results were achieved:

The Design of an industrial facility for purification ChNPP’s water and liquid radioactive waste from transuranic elements (TUE) and organic compounds (IPF LRW), including the Safety Analysis Report (SAR), were developed.

Based on the expert report of CS "Ukrgosstroiekspertiza" dated December 16, 2016 No. 00-1147-16 / 13, the IPF LRW Design was approved by SSE ChNPP Decree No. 57, dated January 26, 2017.

The Expert Report of the State Expertise of Nuclear and Radiation Safety of IPF LRW Design and SAR was obtained. According to the State Expertise conclusion, the main design decisions generally meet the Nuclear and Radiation Safety requirements.

The Detailed Technical specification for the Project Phase II implementation and Tender dossier were developed and agreed.

The Conceptual Design for the IPF LRW secondary waste processing was developed and agreed.

Impact of the project:

Implementation of the project as a whole will have a positive impact on improvement of the safety and cost-effectiveness of Radioactive Waste Management at the Chornobyl NPP and, in particular, radioactive waste minimization.

The IPF LRW creation will allow further processing of the drainage water and liquid radioactive waste at the LRTP, and to reduce TUE concentration to the levels allowing the LRTP final product near-surface storage.

Implementation of the Project as a whole in the long term is one of the elements of the "National program of ChNPP decommissioning and Shelter object transformation into ecologically safe system".


The Project was funded by the European Union in the framework of the Annual Nuclear Safety Action Programme 2007.

Project objective:

Providing support to the ChNPP in licensing and maintaining control over the performance of “hot” tests for ICSRM commissioning.

Project results:

Support was provided to the Recipient in the performance of the first and second stages of “hot” tests of the ICSRM facilities: Facility for Retrieval of Solid Radioactive Waste and Solid Radioactive Waste Processing Plant.

Maintenance and calibration of the Neutron Monitoring System (NMS) and Drum Monitoring System (DMS) were completed.

The Final Safety Analysis Report was reviewed.