One fuel channel (FC) and one channel of control and protection system (CPS) were removed from the Unit 1 reactor. These works are carried out with a research purpose in the framework of working documentation development for the the second stage of the Project "Chornobyl Units 1, 2, 3 Final Shutdown and Preservation" (FS&P). Dismantling and processing of the channels has practical value for determination of duration for decommissioning activities, preservation and safe enclosure of reactors.
Estimated term for FC & CPS channels dismantling and processing, according to the "Program of Units 1, 2, 3 Shutdown & Preservation Stage implementation" approved by SNRIU, until 2028. The Stage duration is determined, in particular, by the time of works execution in each of 3 reactors, containing from 1661 to 1693 FC and 227 CPS channels.