Some ISF-2 Hot Cell main equipment was tested in Germany from 7th until 17th December 2015. These FAT’s of SNF processing equipment were conducted at BNG facility (subcontractor of Holtec International) and it was witnessed by SSTC NRS.

Tested equipment:

•Cutting Machine SFA (CM);

•Holder Slide (HS);

•Lifting Device for Fuel Tubes (LD FT);

•Double Lid System for Fuel Tubes (DLS FT).

•Various SFPF penetrations.

1 December 2015, computer hardware and software were delivered to ChNPP site within the international technical assistance project “Creation and Implementation of Chernobyl NPP Decommissioning Visualization Center”.

The project is implemented within the Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway on cooperation in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, Chernobyl NPP decommissioning and Shelter object transformation into ecologically safe system. It is funded by the Norwegian Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the contractor for the works is Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) in Norway.

This equipment and software will be used to implement modern technologies of three-dimensional modeling and visualization into the Chernobyl NPP decommissioning process. The Center, created within the project will allow planning, training, planning and control of radiation doses, and visualization of radiation scenarios to perform various tasks. It will enable to lower labor costs, radiation exposure of staff, to improve efficiency and safety of dismantling, radioactive materials management. In addition, the Center will be used to demonstrate the decommissioning process to the public and authorities.

The Center is scheduled to be launched into the pilot operation in early spring 2016.

На ЧАЕС надійшло обладнання в рамках проекту міжна...
На ЧАЕС надійшло обладнання в рамках проекту міжна...
На ЧАЕС надійшло обладнання в рамках проекту міжна...

The Double-Wall Canister (DWC) is the heart of the interim dry storage system NUHOMS® which will be implemented at the ISF-2 for the long-term interim storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from Chernobyl NPP RMBK-1000 reactors.

The main purpose of the DWC is to ensure 100 years (ISF-2 design service life) of dry, interim, environmentally isolated storage of SNF in an inert gas environment.  

The DWC system consists of an enclosure vessel made of two welded leak-tight shells (canister) which form two separate confinement boundaries to potential spread of radioactive materials, an internal basket and Fuel Tubes (FT), and is designed for horizontal placement of each DWC inside the individual compartments of the concrete storage module (CSM).