The State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom” allocates USD 100,000 for church construction in Slavutich. Mr. Andrey Kiriyan, Manager of Public Organization “Chernobyl Union of Russia”, informed about this on October 15 during the visit to Slavutich and Chernobyl NPP site.

In May this year, the Administration of Chernobyl NPP made a request for rendering assistance in church construction in the town. Having considered request and made positive decision, “Rosatom” Management applied to All-Russian Union of Public Organizations “Chernobyl Union of Russia” with a proposal to assume a function to transfer the funds for construction and performance of public control for it.

There is a long-standing and close cooperation between these two organizations, and such project is not the first in the relationship practice of the public organization and the state corporation. Thus, upon request of “Chernobyl Union”, “Rosatom” allocated funds at the time for memorial reconstruction at Mitino Cemetery in Moscow. The public organization consisting of 89 regional divisions assumed a control for expenditure of allocated funds ensuring for its part a proper use of funds received.

The funds which “Rosatom” allocated for Slavutich were initially intended to use for procuring metal and manufacturing structures of the church’s cupolas. However, the church already has the cupolas to date. They were procured for the funds, more than UAH 500,000, collected by the employees of Chernobyl NPP. Hence, the money which Russian part leaves will be used for performance of other works, e.g. arrangement of roof or church building perimeter.

We invite you to visit a new website section “NSC Construction Progress”.
This section includes continuously upgraded information on the New Safe Confinement (NSC) construction progress and provides a unique opportunity to observe the work progress on mounting this facility in the online mode. Also here you can find detailed information on the project from history of its initiation on out to long-term perspective plans for its implementation.

For your reference
The New Safe Confinement construction is one of the most important conditions for Shelter Object transformation into an ecologically safe system. The NSC includes a main building, consisting of Arch structure, west and east end walls, necessary supporting and auxiliary systems; a technological building, including areas for decontamination, fragmentation and packing, sanitary locks, workshops, technological premises; as well as other auxiliary buildings. The Safe Confinement as a multifunctional facility with 100 years’ operational life in future will enable to remove fuel containing materials located inside the Shelter Object and condition them for subsequent safe storage.

The delegation from state enterprise “Ukrgosstroyekspertiza” visited Chernobyl NPP on September 7 under technical tour.

“Ukrgosstroyekspertiza” is a specialized state expert organization carrying out an examination of all construction projects on ChNPP site. The main objective of the visit is to get familiar with progress of the projects, which undergone state examination and currently are being implemented at ChNPP.

The delegation from state enterprise “Ukrgosstroyekspertiza” visited Chernobyl NPP on September 7 under technical tour.

“Ukrgosstroyekspertiza” is a specialized state expert organization carrying out an examination of all construction projects on ChNPP site. The main objective of the visit is to get familiar with progress of the projects, which undergone state examination and currently are being implemented at ChNPP.

The working group visited mounting area of NSC, where Mr. Viktor Khavrus, Head of ChNPP Construction Service, familiarized the guests with project progress, answered a lot of questions regarding the works on site and difficulties associated with execution process.

Participants of the tour, many of which were directly involved in a process of design documentation review, having seen the site dimension and realized the scopes being performed, noticed that only here one can understand what titanic work Chernobyl NPP staff performs.

The delegation also visited Industrial Complex for Solid Radioactive Waste Management and Observation Pavilion of the Shelter Object. In the Model Hall of Administrative Building No.1, Mr. Andrei Bilyk, ChNPP Technical Director, familiarized the guests with ChNPP site geography, its technical peculiarities, answered the questions regarding current condition of the plant and told about tasks, which the enterprise personnel solve nowadays. At the end of the visit, “Ukrgosstroyekspertiza” delegation visited Prypiat town and construction site for spent nuclear fuel storage facility.




The meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group on regulators activity coordination during Licenses issue for works performance at the Shelter object and ChNPP decommissioning (IWGRB) was held on August 7, 2012 in the office of State Nuclear Regulation Inspectorate of Ukraine.

Representatives of the State Nuclear Regulation Inspectorate of Ukraine, HPM, Ministry of Regional Development, Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources, State Inspection of Techogenic Safety of Ukraine, SE"Ukrgosstroyekspertiz", State service of mining supervision and industrial safety of Ukraine, State Agency of Ukraine on the Exclusion Zone Management, SSE Chernobyl NPP, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and representatives of the organizations of regulators technical support took part in the meeting.