Management and employees of the State Specialized Enterprise "Chernobyl NPP" express their sincere condolences to the French employees and management of NOVARKA company, implementing the New Safe Confinement project at ChNPP site, for the horrible terrorist attacks which took place in Paris on November 13.

We understand your heartache and sorrow. We feel your pain. We mourn with you.


Direction et les employés de l'entreprise d'État spécialisée "CN de Tchernobyl" exprime ses condoléances aux employers français et a l’administration de l'entreprise "Novarka", qui réalise le projet de construction d'un Nouveau confinement sure sur la site industrielle de la Centrale, en connexion avec les terrible actes de terrorisme qui ont eu lieu à Paris le 13 Novembre.

Nous comprenons votre douleur et chagrin. Nous compassion a vous. Nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous.

On November 3, a progress meeting of ChNPP Generation II structures reinforcement and sealing project was held. The representatives of the power plant management, of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, of contracting organisations involved in this project, of SIP project management unit, of NOVARKA as well as of “KIEV ENERGOPROJECT” institute, who is the project designer, attended this meeting. The meeting was chaired by Igor Gramotkin, ChNPP Director General.

The meeting was devoted to discussion of the possibility to speed up the implementation progress of the ChNPP Generation II structures reinforcement and sealing project as this project has critical interrelationship with NSC construction. It is impossible to slide the Arch to the design position and to commission it until the side walls are erected.

On 2 November the ChNPP Director General Igor Gramotkin, representatives of the Plant administration and contracting organizations visited workplaces of personnel of contracting companies that implement a project on reinforcing and sealing the existing structures of ChNPP Generation II. The visit was conducted within the frame of control of the project progress and for monitoring of periods of its execution. 

A Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Jan Tombinski visited the Chernobyl NPP and Exclusion Zone on 30 October.

At the ChNPP industrial site Mr. Tombinski was familiarized with the progress of construction of the New Safe Confinement’s Arch and new dry-type Interim Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility (ISF-2), visited a Liquid RAW Treatment Plant (LRTP) and an Industrial Complex for Solid RAW Management (ICSRM). 

The EU is one of the largest donors of the Chernobyl Shelter Fund (CSF) and Nuclear Safety Account (NSA), from which the NSC, ISF-2 and LRTP construction is funded, while the ICSRM construction has been funded by the EU in full. Besides, there are several other projects in the field of RAW management being implemented at the ChNPP site now and funded by the EU within the frame of the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC).